"NOMIS is all about enabling outstanding talent to take on high-risk research."
- Georg Heinrich “Heini” Thyssen, NOMIS Founder

Sally Peggs

Sally Peggs


Sally Peggs has served as Program Manager at the NOMIS Foundations since April 2022.

Sally earned an MA in business administration in 1994 from the University of Zurich and a DAS on fundraising management from the ZHAW in 2020. Prior to her NOMIS appointment, she worked for the Department of Economics at the University of Zurich for ten years, first as Office Manager of the UBS Center of Economics in Society and then as Senior Relationship Manager at the Excellence Foundation. Sally brings a broad set of skills and extensive experience to her new role as program manager where her focus will be on program monitoring and evaluation, communications and event organization, amongst other NOMIS initiatives.

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Sally Peggs | Insights Film

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