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Publications in Biology by NOMIS researchers

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

March 21, 2025
Microtubules are a hallmark of eukaryotes. Archaeal and bacterial homologs of tubulins typically form homopolymers and non-tubular superstructures. The origin of heterodimeric tubulins assembling into microtubules remains unclear.
Here, we report the discovery of microtubule-forming tubulins in Asgard archaea, the closest known relatives of eukaryotes. These Asgard tubulins (AtubA/B) are closely related to eukaryotic α/β-tubulins and the enigmatic bacterial tubulins BtubA/B. Proteomics of Candidatus Lokiarchaeum ossiferum showed that AtubA/B were highly expressed. Cryoelectron microscopy structures demonstrate that AtubA/B form eukaryote-like heterodimers, which assembled into 5-protofilament bona fide microtubules in vitro. The additional paralog AtubB2 lacks a nucleotide-binding site and competitively displaced AtubB. These AtubA/B2 heterodimers polymerized into 7-protofilament non-canonical microtubules. In a sub-population of Ca. Lokiarchaeum ossiferum cells, cryo-tomography revealed tubular structures, while expansion microscopy identified AtubA/B cytoskeletal assemblies.
Our findings suggest a pre-eukaryotic origin of microtubules and provide a framework for understanding the fundamental principles of microtubule assembly.

Research field(s)
Molecular Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Microbiology

Published in

March 8, 2025

Cell migration is a fundamental process during embryonic development. Most studies in vivo have focused on the migration of cells using the extracellular matrix (ECM) as their substrate for migration. In contrast, much less is known about how cells migrate on other cells, as found in early embryos when the ECM has not yet formed. Here, we show that lateral mesendoderm (LME) cells in the early zebrafish gastrula use the ectoderm as their substrate for migration. We show that the lateral ectoderm is permissive for the animal-pole-directed migration of LME cells, while the ectoderm at the animal pole halts it. These differences in permissiveness depend on the lateral ectoderm being more cohesive than the animal ectoderm, a property controlled by bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling within the ectoderm. Collectively, these findings identify ectoderm tissue cohesion as one critical factor in regulating LME migration during zebrafish gastrulation.

Research field(s)
Molecular Biology, Biophysics

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

February 10, 2025

Sparse, single-cell labeling approaches enable high-resolution, high signal-to-noise recordings from subcellular compartments and intracellular organelles and allow precise manipulations of individual cells and local circuits while minimizing complex changes associated with global network manipulations. However, thus far, only a limited number of approaches have been developed to label single cells with unique combinations of genetically encoded indicators, target deep cortical structures or sustainably use the same chronic preparation for weeks. Here we developed a method to deliver plasmids selectively to single pyramidal neurons in the mouse dorsal hippocampus using two-photon visually guided in vivo single-cell electroporation to address these limitations. This method allows long-term plasmid expression in a controlled number of individual pyramidal neurons, facilitating subcellular resolution imaging, intracellular organelle tracking, monosynaptic input mapping, plasticity induction and targeted whole-cell patch-clamp recordings.

Research field(s)
Neuroscience, Molecular Biology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

February 1, 2025

The shrinkage of glaciers and the vanishing of glacier-fed streams (GFSs) are emblematic of climate change. However, forecasts of how GFS microbiome structure and function will change under projected climate change scenarios are lacking. Combining 2,333 prokaryotic metagenome-assembled genomes with climatic, glaciological, and environmental data collected by the Vanishing Glaciers project from 164 GFSs draining Earth’s major mountain ranges, we here predict the future of the GFS microbiome until the end of the century under various climate change scenarios. Our model framework is rooted in a space-for-time substitution design and leverages statistical learning approaches. We predict that declining environmental selection promotes primary production in GFSs, stimulating both bacterial biomass and biodiversity. Concomitantly, predictions suggest that the phylogenetic structure of the GFS microbiome will change and entire bacterial clades are at risk. Furthermore, genomic projections reveal that microbiome functions will shift, with intensified solar energy acquisition pathways, heterotrophy and algal-bacterial interactions. Altogether, we project a ‘greener’ future of the world’s GFSs accompanied by a loss of clades that have adapted to environmental harshness, with consequences for ecosystem functioning.

Research field(s)
Conservation Biology, Ecology, Environmental Sciences

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

January 30, 2025

Human accelerated regions (HARs) have been implicated in human brain evolution. However, insight into the genes and pathways they control is lacking, hindering the understanding of their function. Here, we identify 2,963 conserved gene targets for 1,590 HARs and their orthologs in human and chimpanzee neural stem cells (NSCs). Conserved gene targets are enriched for neurodevelopmental functions and are overrepresented among differentially expressed genes (DEGs) identified in human NSCs (hNSCs) and chimpanzee NSCs (cNSCs) as well as in human versus non-human primate brains. Species-specific gene targets do not converge on any function and are not enriched among DEGs. HAR targets also show cell-type-specific expression in the human fetal brain, including in outer radial glia, which are linked to cortical expansion. Our findings support that HARs influence brain evolution by altering the expression of ancestral gene targets shared between human and chimpanzee rather than by gaining new targets in human and facilitate hypothesis-directed studies of HAR biology.

Research field(s)
Bioinformatics, Developmental Biology, Evolutionary Biology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

January 9, 2025

The impacts of degradation and deforestation on tropical forests are poorly understood, particularly at landscape scales. We present an extensive ecosystem analysis of the impacts of logging and conversion of tropical forest to oil palm from a large-scale study in Borneo, synthesizing responses from 82 variables categorized into four ecological levels spanning a broad suite of ecosystem properties: (i) structure and environment, (ii) species traits, (iii) biodiversity, and (iv) ecosystem functions. Responses were highly heterogeneous and often complex and nonlinear. Variables that were directly impacted by the physical process of timber extraction, such as soil structure, were sensitive to even moderate amounts of logging, whereas measures of biodiversity and ecosystem functioning were generally resilient to logging but more affected by conversion to oil palm plantation.

Research field(s)
Forestry, Conservation Biology, Ecology, Environmental Sciences

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

January 2, 2025

Glacier-fed streams (GFS) feature among Earth’s most extreme aquatic ecosystems marked by pronounced oligotrophy and environmental fluctuations. Microorganisms mainly organize in biofilms within them, but how they cope with such conditions is unknown. Here, leveraging 156 metagenomes from the Vanishing Glaciers project obtained from sediment samples in GFS from 9 mountains ranges, we report thousands of metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) encompassing prokaryotes, algae, fungi and viruses, that shed light on biotic interactions within glacier-fed stream biofilms. A total of 2,855 bacterial MAGs were characterized by diverse strategies to exploit inorganic and organic energy sources, in part via functional redundancy and mixotrophy. We show that biofilms probably become more complex and switch from chemoautotrophy to heterotrophy as algal biomass increases in GFS owing to glacier shrinkage. Our MAG compendium sheds light on the success of microbial life in GFS and provides a resource for future research on a microbiome potentially impacted by climate change.

Research field(s)
Biology, Evolutionary Biology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

January 1, 2025

The rapid melting of mountain glaciers and the vanishing of their streams is emblematic of climate change1,2. Glacier-fed streams (GFSs) are cold, oligotrophic and unstable ecosystems in which life is dominated by microbial biofilms2,3. However, current knowledge on the GFS microbiome is scarce4,5, precluding an understanding of its response to glacier shrinkage. Here, by leveraging metabarcoding and metagenomics, we provide a comprehensive survey of bacteria in the benthic microbiome across 152 GFSs draining the Earth’s major mountain ranges. We find that the GFS bacterial microbiome is taxonomically and functionally distinct from other cryospheric microbiomes. GFS bacteria are diverse, with more than half being specific to a given mountain range, some unique to single GFSs and a few cosmopolitan and abundant. We show how geographic isolation and environmental selection shape their biogeography, which is characterized by distinct compositional patterns between mountain ranges and hemispheres. Phylogenetic analyses furthermore uncovered microdiverse clades resulting from environmental selection, probably promoting functional resilience and contributing to GFS bacterial biodiversity and biogeography. Climate-induced glacier shrinkage puts this unique microbiome at risk. Our study provides a global reference for future climate-change microbiology studies on the vanishing GFS ecosystem.

Research field(s)
Biology, Evolutionary Biology

INTRODUCTION: While there may be microbial contributions to Alzheimer’s disease (AD), findings have been inconclusive. We recently reported an AD-associated CD83(+)microglia subtype associated with increased immunoglobulinG4(IgG4) in the transverse colon (TC).

METHODS: We used immunohistochemistry (IHC), IgG4 repertoire profiling, and brain organoid experiments to explore this association.

RESULTS: CD83(+) microglia in the superior frontal gyrus (SFG) are associated with elevated IgG4 and human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) in the TC, anti-HCMV IgG4 in cerebrospinal fluid, and both HCMV and IgG4 in the SFG and vagal nerve. This association was replicated in an independent AD cohort. HCMV-infected cerebral organoids showed accelerated AD pathophysiological features (Aβ42 and pTau-212) and neuronal death.

DISCUSSION: Findings indicate complex, cross-tissue interactions between HCMV and the adaptive immune response associated with CD83(+)microglia in persons with AD. This may indicate an opportunity for antiviral therapy in persons with AD and biomarker evidence of HCMV, IgG4, or CD83(+)microglia.

Research field(s)
Genetics & Heredity, Neurology & Neurosurgery, Biology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

December 18, 2024

A central question in neuroscience is how synaptic plasticity shapes the feature selectivity of neurons in behaving animals1. Hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons display one of the most striking forms of feature selectivity by forming spatially and contextually selective receptive fields called place fields, which serve as a model for studying the synaptic basis of learning and memory. Various forms of synaptic plasticity have been proposed as cellular substrates for the emergence of place fields. However, despite decades of work, our understanding of how synaptic plasticity underlies place-field formation and memory encoding remains limited, largely due to a shortage of tools and technical challenges associated with the visualization of synaptic plasticity at the single-neuron resolution in awake behaving animals. To address this, we developed an all-optical approach to monitor the spatiotemporal tuning and synaptic weight changes of dendritic spines before and after the induction of a place field in single CA1 pyramidal neurons during spatial navigation. We identified a temporally asymmetric synaptic plasticity kernel resulting from bidirectional modifications of synaptic weights around the induction of a place field. Our work identified compartment-specific differences in the magnitude and temporal expression of synaptic plasticity between basal dendrites and oblique dendrites. Our results provide experimental evidence linking synaptic plasticity to the rapid emergence of spatial selectivity in hippocampal neurons, a critical prerequisite for episodic memory.

Research field(s)

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

December 11, 2024

SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with long-lasting neurological symptoms, although the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Using optical clearing and imaging, we observed the accumulation of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in the skull-meninges-brain axis of human COVID-19 patients, persisting long after viral clearance. Further, biomarkers of neurodegeneration were elevated in the cerebrospinal fluid from long COVID patients, and proteomic analysis of human skull, meninges, and brain samples revealed dysregulated inflammatory pathways and neurodegeneration-associated changes. Similar distribution patterns of the spike protein were observed in SARS-CoV-2-infected mice. Injection of spike protein alone was sufficient to induce neuroinflammation, proteome changes in the skull-meninges-brain axis, anxiety-like behavior, and exacerbated outcomes in mouse models of stroke and traumatic brain injury. Vaccination reduced but did not eliminate spike protein accumulation after infection in mice. Our findings suggest persistent spike protein at the brain borders may contribute to lasting neurological sequelae of COVID-19.

Research field(s)
Molecular Biology, Virology, Immunology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

October 1, 2024

Animal speciation often involves novel behavioral features that rely on nervous system evolution. Human-specific brain features have been proposed to underlie specialized cognitive functions and to be linked, at least in part, to the evolution of synapses, neurons, and circuits of the cerebral cortex. Here, we review recent results showing that, while the human cortex is composed of a repertoire of cells that appears to be largely similar to the one found in other mammals, human cortical neurons do display specialized features at many levels, from gene expression to intrinsic physiological properties. The molecular mechanisms underlying human species-specific neuronal features remain largely unknown but implicate hominid-specific gene duplicates that encode novel molecular modifiers of neuronal function. The identification of human-specific genetic modifiers of neuronal function brings novel insights on brain evolution and function and, could also provide new insights on human species-specific vulnerabilities to brain disorders.

Research field(s)
Genetics & Heredity, Evolutionary Biology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

September 19, 2024

Runoff from rapidly melting mountain glaciers is a dominant source of riverine organic carbon in many high-latitude and high-elevation regions. Glacier dissolved organic carbon is highly bioavailable, and its composition likely reflects internal (e.g., autotrophic production) and external (i.e., atmospheric deposition) sources. However, the balance of these sources across Earth’s glaciers is poorly understood, despite implications for the mineralization and assimilation of glacier organic carbon within recipient ecosystems. We assessed the molecular-level composition of dissolved organic matter from 136 mountain glacier outflows from 11 regions covering six continents using ultrahigh resolution 21 T mass spectrometry. We found substantial diversity in organic matter composition with coherent and predictable (80% accuracy) regional patterns. Employing stable and radiocarbon isotopic analyses, we demonstrate that these patterns are inherently linked to atmospheric deposition and in situ production. In remote regions like Greenland and New Zealand, the glacier organic matter pool appears to be dominated by in situ production. However, downwind of industrial centers (e.g., Alaska and Nepal), fossil fuel combustion byproducts likely underpin organic matter composition, resulting in older and more aromatic material being exported downstream. These findings highlight that the glacier carbon cycle is spatially distinct, with ramifications for predicting the dynamics and fate of glacier organic carbon concurrent with continued retreat and anthropogenic perturbation.

Research field(s)
Conservation Biology, Biology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

August 13, 2024

The nuclear basket attaches to the nucleoplasmic side of the nuclear pore complex (NPC), coupling transcription to mRNA quality control and export. The basket expands the functional repertoire of a subset of NPCs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by drawing a unique RNA/protein interactome. Yet, how the basket docks onto the NPC core remains unknown. By integrating AlphaFold-based interaction screens, electron microscopy and membrane-templated reconstitution, we uncovered a membrane-anchored tripartite junction between basket and NPC core. The basket subunit Nup60 harbours three adjacent short linear motifs, which connect Mlp1, a parallel homodimer consisting of coiled-coil segments interrupted by flexible hinges, and the Nup85 subunit of the Y-complex. We reconstituted the Y-complex•Nup60•Mlp1 assembly on a synthetic membrane and validated the protein interfaces in vivo. Here we explain how a short linear motif-based protein junction can substantially reshape NPC structure and function, advancing our understanding of compositional and conformational NPC heterogeneity.

Research field(s)
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Biology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

July 17, 2024

Logged and disturbed forests are often viewed as degraded and depauperate environments compared with primary forest. However, they are dynamic ecosystems1 that provide refugia for large amounts of biodiversity2,3, so we cannot afford to underestimate their conservation value4. Here we present empirically defined thresholds for categorizing the conservation value of logged forests, using one of the most comprehensive assessments of taxon responses to habitat degradation in any tropical forest environment. We analysed the impact of logging intensity on the individual occurrence patterns of 1,681 taxa belonging to 86 taxonomic orders and 126 functional groups in Sabah, Malaysia. Our results demonstrate the existence of two conservation-relevant thresholds. First, lightly logged forests (<29% biomass removal) retain high conservation value and a largely intact functional composition, and are therefore likely to recover their pre-logging values if allowed to undergo natural regeneration. Second, the most extreme impacts occur in heavily degraded forests with more than two-thirds (>68%) of their biomass removed, and these are likely to require more expensive measures to recover their biodiversity value. Overall, our data confirm that primary forests are irreplaceable5, but they also reinforce the message that logged forests retain considerable conservation value that should not be overlooked.

Research field(s)
Conservation Biology, Forestry, Ecology, Environmental Sciences

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

July 10, 2024

The emergence of single nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) offers to revolutionize the study of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Integration with complementary multiomics data such as genetics, proteomics and clinical data provides powerful opportunities to link cell subpopulations and molecular networks with a broader disease-relevant context. We report snRNA-seq profiles from superior frontal gyrus samples from 101 well characterized subjects from the Banner Brain and Body Donation Program in combination with whole genome sequences. We report findings that link common AD risk variants with CR1 expression in oligodendrocytes as well as alterations in hematological parameters. We observed an AD-associated CD83(+) microglial subtype with unique molecular networks and which is associated with immunoglobulin IgG4 production in the transverse colon. Our major observations were replicated in two additional, independent snRNA-seq data sets. These findings illustrate the power of multi-tissue molecular profiling to contextualize snRNA-seq brain transcriptomics and reveal disease biology.

Research field(s)
Genetics & Heredity, Biology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

June 20, 2024

Gamete formation and subsequent offspring development often involve extended phases of suspended cellular development or even dormancy. How cells adapt to recover and resume growth remains poorly understood. Here, we visualized budding yeast cells undergoing meiosis by cryo-electron tomography (cryoET) and discovered elaborate filamentous assemblies decorating the nucleus, cytoplasm, and mitochondria. To determine filament composition, we developed a “filament identification” (FilamentID) workflow that combines multiscale cryoET/cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) analyses of partially lysed cells or organelles. FilamentID identified the mitochondrial filaments as being composed of the conserved aldehyde dehydrogenase Ald4ALDH2 and the nucleoplasmic/cytoplasmic filaments as consisting of acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) synthetase Acs1ACSS2. Structural characterization further revealed the mechanism underlying polymerization and enabled us to genetically perturb filament formation. Acs1 polymerization facilitates the recovery of chronologically aged spores and, more generally, the cell cycle re-entry of starved cells. FilamentID is broadly applicable to characterize filaments of unknown identity in diverse cellular contexts.

Research field(s)
Microbiology, Biology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

June 20, 2024

Sexually reproducing eukaryotes employ a developmentally regulated cell division program—meiosis—to generate haploid gametes from diploid germ cells. To understand how gametes arise, we generated a proteomic census encompassing the entire meiotic program of budding yeast. We found that concerted waves of protein expression and phosphorylation modify nearly all cellular pathways to support meiotic entry, meiotic progression, and gamete morphogenesis. Leveraging this comprehensive resource, we pinpointed dynamic changes in mitochondrial components and showed that phosphorylation of the FoF1-ATP synthase complex is required for efficient gametogenesis. Furthermore, using cryoET as an orthogonal approach to visualize mitochondria, we uncovered highly ordered filament arrays of Ald4ALDH2, a conserved aldehyde dehydrogenase that is highly expressed and phosphorylated during meiosis. Notably, phosphorylation-resistant mutants failed to accumulate filaments, suggesting that phosphorylation regulates context-specific Ald4ALDH2 polymerization. Overall, this proteomic census constitutes a broad resource to guide the exploration of the unique sequence of events underpinning gametogenesis.

Research field(s)

A key feature of many developmental systems is their ability to self-organize spatial patterns of functionally distinct cell fates. To ensure proper biological function, such patterns must be established reproducibly, by controlling and even harnessing intrinsic and extrinsic fluctuations. While the relevant molecular processes are increasingly well understood, we lack a principled framework to quantify the performance of such stochastic self-organizing systems. To that end, we introduce an information-theoretic measure for self-organized fate specification during embryonic development. We show that the proposed measure assesses the total information content of fate patterns and decomposes it into interpretable contributions corresponding to the positional and correlational information. By optimizing the proposed measure, our framework provides a normative theory for developmental circuits, which we demonstrate on lateral inhibition, cell type proportioning, and reaction–diffusion models of self-organization. This paves a way toward a classification of developmental systems based on a common information-theoretic language, thereby organizing the zoo of implicated chemical and mechanical signaling processes.

Research field(s)