is our reward

Publications in Journal of Experimental Psychology: General by NOMIS researchers

NOMIS Researcher(s)

September 1, 2023

Delayed gratification is an important focus of research, given its potential relationship to forms of behavior, such as savings, susceptibility to addiction, and pro-social behaviors. The COVID-19 pandemic may be one of the most consequential recent examples of this phenomenon, with people’s willingness to delay gratification affecting their willingness to socially distance themselves. COVID-19 also provides a naturalistic context by which to evaluate the ecological validity of delayed gratification. This article outlines four large-scale online experiments (total N =12, 906) where we ask participants to perform Money Earlier or Later (MEL) decisions (e.g., $5 today vs. $10 tomorrow) and to also report stress measures and pandemic mitigation behaviors. We found that stress increases impulsivity and that less stressed and more patient individuals socially distanced more throughout the pandemic. These results help resolve longstanding theoretical debates in the MEL literature as well as provide policymakers with scientific evidence that can help inform response strategies in the future © 2023 American Psychological Association

Research field(s)
Health Sciences, Biomedical Research, Developmental Biology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

January 1, 2023

Showing or telling others that we are committed to cooperate with them can boost social cooperation. But what makes us willing to signal our cooperativeness, when it is costly to do so? In two experiments,we tested the hypothesis that agents engage in social commitments if their subjective confidence in predicting the interaction partner’s behavior is low. In Experiment 1 (preregistered), 48 participants played a prisoner’s dilemma game where they could signal their intentions to their co-player by enduring a monetary cost. As hypothesized, low confidence in one’s prediction of the co-player’s intentions was associated with a higher willingness to engage in costly commitment. In Experiment 2 (31 participants), we replicate these findings and moreover provide causal evidence that experimentally lowering the predictability of others’ actions (and thereby confidence in these predictions) motivates commitment decisions. Finally, across both experiments, we show that participants possess and demonstrate metacognitive access to the accuracy of their mentalizing processes. Taken together, our findings shed light on the importance of confidence representations and metacognitive processes in social interactions © 2023 American Psychological Association

Research field(s)
Applied Sciences, Information & Communication Technologies, Artificial Intelligence & Image Processing