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Publications in Immunology by NOMIS researchers

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

December 1, 2019

Aging is a predominant risk factor for several chronic diseases that limit healthspan1. Mechanisms of aging are thus increasingly recognized as potential therapeutic targets. Blood from young mice reverses aspects of aging and disease across multiple tissues2–10, which supports a hypothesis that age-related molecular changes in blood could provide new insights into age-related disease biology. We measured 2,925 plasma proteins from 4,263 young adults to nonagenarians (18–95 years old) and developed a new bioinformatics approach that uncovered marked non-linear alterations in the human plasma proteome with age. Waves of changes in the proteome in the fourth, seventh and eighth decades of life reflected distinct biological pathways and revealed differential associations with the genome and proteome of age-related diseases and phenotypic traits. This new approach to the study of aging led to the identification of unexpected signatures and pathways that might offer potential targets for age-related diseases.

Research field(s)
Health Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Immunology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

November 1, 2019

We identified a PSEN1 (presenilin 1) mutation carrier from the world’s largest autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease kindred, who did not develop mild cognitive impairment until her seventies, three decades after the expected age of clinical onset. The individual had two copies of the APOE3 Christchurch (R136S) mutation, unusually high brain amyloid levels and limited tau and neurodegenerative measurements. Our findings have implications for the role of APOE in the pathogenesis, treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

Research field(s)
Health Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Immunology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

September 1, 2019

Adipose tissue (AT) serves a crucial role in maintaining organismal metabolic homeostasis. Studies have demonstrated that AT is populated with a diverse array of immune cells that coordinate and regulate AT function. This adipo-immune system is highly dynamic, reflecting the physiologic state of the organism (e.g., obese, lean, aged, or young) as well as the constant physiologic remodeling of AT associated with the daily rhythms of fasting and feeding. Many of the adaptive and maladaptive functional changes of AT are regulated by changes in the quantity and quality of distinct sets of AT-resident immune cells. Here we present protocols to assess the dynamic state of the immune system within AT by constructing censuses of adipose-resident immune cells (macrophages, dendritic cells, neutrophils, eosinophils, NK cells, innate lymphocytes, T cells, and B cells, etc.) based on flow cytometry, which we term adipo-immune profiles (AIPs). Constructing AIPs can be an integral part of assessment for AT health and function. This article describes the protocols to generate such AIPs. © 2019 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Research field(s)
Health Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Immunology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

June 1, 2019

An aged circulatory environment can activate microglia, reduce neural precursor cell activity and impair cognition in mice. We hypothesized that brain endothelial cells (BECs) mediate at least some of these effects. We observe that BECs in the aged mouse hippocampus express an inflammatory transcriptional profile with focal upregulation of vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM1), a protein that facilitates vascular–immune cell interactions. Concomitantly, levels of the shed, soluble form of VCAM1 are prominently increased in the plasma of aged humans and mice, and their plasma is sufficient to increase VCAM1 expression in cultured BECs and the hippocampi of young mice. Systemic administration of anti-VCAM1 antibody or genetic ablation of Vcam1 in BECs counteracts the detrimental effects of plasma from aged individuals on young brains and reverses aging aspects, including microglial reactivity and cognitive deficits, in the brains of aged mice. Together, these findings establish brain endothelial VCAM1 at the blood–brain barrier as a possible target to treat age-related neurodegeneration.

Research field(s)
Health Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Immunology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

April 1, 2019

SARM1 (sterile α and HEAT/armadillo motif-containing protein) is a member of the MyD88 (myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88) family, which mediates innate immune responses. Because inactivation of SARM1 prevents various forms of axonal degeneration, we tested whether it might protect against prion-induced neurotoxicity. Instead, we found that SARM1 deficiency exacerbates the progression of prion pathogenesis. This deleterious effect was not due to SARM1-dependent modulation of prion-induced neuroinflammation, since microglial activation, astrogliosis, and brain cytokine profiles were not altered by SARM1 deficiency. Whole-transcriptome analyses indicated that SARM1 deficiency led to strong, selective overexpression of the pro-apoptotic gene XAF1 (X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis-associated factor 1). Consequently, the activity of pro-apoptotic caspases and neuronal death were enhanced in prion-infected SARM1−/− mice. These results point to an unexpected function of SARM1 as a regulator of prion-induced neurodegeneration and suggest that XAF1 might constitute a therapeutic target in prion disease.

Research field(s)
Health Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Immunology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

February 1, 2018

Two distinct defense strategies provide a host with survival to infectious diseases: resistance and tolerance. Resistance is dependent on the ability of the host to kill pathogens. Tolerance promotes host health while having a neutral to positive impact of pathogen fitness. Immune responses are almost inevitably defined in terms of pathogen resistance. Recent evidence has shown, however, that several effects attributed to activation of innate and adaptive immune mechanisms, cannot be readily explained with the paradigm of immunity as effectors of microbial destruction. This review focuses on integrating the concept of disease tolerance into recent studies of immune system function related to the regulation and resolution of tissue damage, T cell exhaustion, and tolerance to innocuous antigen.

Research field(s)
Health Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Immunology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

August 15, 2017

Hayatsu et al. (2017) reveal that a FOXP3 mutant found in some patients afflicted with the autoimmune disease IPEX has broadened DNA-recognition specificity, directly repressing the expression of the gene encoding the transcription factor Batf. Their findings identify Batf as critical to tissue regulatory T cell function and suggest that polymorphisms that impact FOXP3 DNA-binding specificity may contribute susceptibility to autoimmune disease.

Research field(s)
Health Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Immunology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

December 3, 2015

Age-associated insulin resistance (IR) and obesity-associated IR are two physiologically distinct forms of adult-onset diabetes. While macrophage-driven inflammation is a core driver of obesity-associated IR, the underlying mechanisms of the obesity-independent yet highly prevalent age-associated IR are largely unexplored. Here we show, using comparative adipo-immune profiling in mice, that fat-resident regulatory T cells, termed fT reg cells, accumulate in adipose tissue as a function of age, but not obesity. Supporting the existence of two distinct mechanisms underlying IR, mice deficient in fT reg cells are protected against age-associated IR, yet remain susceptible to obesity-associated IR and metabolic disease. By contrast, selective depletion of fT reg cells via anti-ST2 antibody treatment increases adipose tissue insulin sensitivity. These findings establish that distinct immune cell populations within adipose tissue underlie ageing- and obesity-associated IR, and implicate fT reg cells as adipo-immune drivers and potential therapeutic targets in the treatment of age-associated IR.

Research field(s)
Health Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Immunology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

December 1, 2015

The TAM receptors Tyro3, Axl and Mertk are receptor tyrosine kinases that dampen host innate immune responses following engagement with their ligands Gas6 and Protein S, which recognize phosphatidylserine on apoptotic cells. In a form of apoptotic mimicry, many enveloped viruses display phosphatidylserine on the outer leaflet of their membranes, enabling TAM receptor activation and downregulation of antiviral responses. Accordingly, we hypothesized that a deficiency of TAM receptors would enhance antiviral responses and protect against viral infection. Unexpectedly, mice lacking Mertk and/or Axl, but not Tyro3, exhibited greater vulnerability to infection with neuroinvasive West Nile and La Crosse encephalitis viruses. This phenotype was associated with increased blood-brain barrier permeability, which enhanced virus entry into and infection of the brain. Activation of Mertk synergized with interferon-β to tighten cell junctions and prevent virus transit across brain microvascular endothelial cells. Because TAM receptors restrict pathogenesis of neuroinvasive viruses, these findings have implications for TAM antagonists that are currently in clinical development.

Research field(s)
Health Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Immunology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

August 19, 2015

Kinase recruitment to membrane receptors is essential for signal transduction. However, the underlying regulatory mechanisms are poorly understood. We investigated how conformational changes control T cell receptor (TCR) association and activity of the kinase Zap70. Structural analysis showed that TCR binding or phosphorylation of Zap70 triggers a transition from a closed, autoinhibited conformation to an open conformation. Using Zap70 mutants with defined conformations, we found that TCR dwell times controlled Zap70 activity. The closed conformation minimized TCR dwell times and thereby prevented activation by membrane-associated kinases. Parallel recruitment of coreceptor-associated Lck kinase to the TCR ensured Zap70 phosphorylation and stabilized Zap70 TCR binding. Our study suggests that the dynamics of cytosolic enzyme recruitment to the plasma membrane regulate the activity and function of receptors lacking intrinsic catalytic activity.

Research field(s)
Health Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Immunology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

June 2, 2015

Following their activation in response to inflammatory signals, innate immune cells secrete T-cell-polarizing cytokines that promote the differentiation of naive CD4 T cells into T helper (Th) cell subsets. Among these, Th17 cells play a prominent role in the development of a number of autoimmune diseases. Although regarded primarily as an immunosuppressant signal, cAMP has been found to mediate pro-inflammatory effects of macrophage-derived prostaglandin E2 (PGE 2) on Th17 cells. Here we show that PGE 2 enhances Th17 cell differentiation via the activation of the CREB co-activator CRTC2. Following its dephosphorylation, CRTC2 stimulates the expression of the cytokines IL-17A and IL-17F by binding to CREB over both promoters. CRTC2-mutant mice have decreased Th17 cell numbers, and they are protected from experimental autoimmune encephalitis, a model for multiple sclerosis. Our results suggest that small molecule inhibitors of CRTC2 may provide therapeutic benefit to individuals with autoimmune disease.

Research field(s)
Health Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Immunology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

June 1, 2015

T regulatory (Treg) cells are central to the maintenance of immune homeostasis. The transcription factor forkhead box P3 (Foxp3) is essential for specifying the Treg cell lineage during development, and continued expression of Foxp3 in mature Treg cells is necessary for suppressive function. Loss of Foxp3 expression in Treg cells is associated with autoimmune pathology. Here, we review recent insights into the mechanisms that maintain Treg cell stability and function, and place these findings within the broader understanding of mechanisms that establish Treg cell identity during development. We integrate emerging principles in Treg cell lineage maintenance with the mechanisms that allow Treg cells to sense and respond to varied inflammatory environments, and outline important areas of future inquiry in this context.

Research field(s)
Health Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Immunology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

January 1, 2014

The clearance of apoptotic cells is critical for both tissue homeostasis and the resolution of inflammation. We found that the TAM receptor tyrosine kinases Axl and Mer had distinct roles as phagocytic receptors in these two settings, in which they exhibited divergent expression, regulation and activity. Mer acted as a tolerogenic receptor in resting macrophages and during immunosuppression. In contrast, Axl was an inflammatory response receptor whose expression was induced by proinflammatory stimuli. Axl and Mer differed in their ligand specificities, ligand-receptor complex formation in tissues, and receptor shedding upon activation. These differences notwithstanding, phagocytosis by either protein was strictly dependent on receptor activation triggered by bridging of TAM receptor-ligand complexes to the ‘eat-me’ signal phosphatidylserine on the surface of apoptotic cells.

Research field(s)
Health Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Immunology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

November 13, 2013

Host defense responses against microbes are most often thought of in terms of effectors of microbial destruction. However, recent evidence demonstrates that the more complex interactions between the microbiota and innate immune mechanisms, such as the inflammasome-mediated response, cannot be readily explained within just the traditional paradigms of microbial killing mechanisms. In this review, the concepts of both resistance and tolerance are applied to inflammasome-microbiota interactions, and the various physiological consequences of this interplay, including roles in inflammation, tissue repair, tumorigenesis, and metabolism, are discussed. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.

Research field(s)
Health Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Immunology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

September 1, 2013

Somatic cell nuclear reprogramming is opening new doors for the modeling of human disease phenotypes in vitro, the identification of novel therapeutic compounds and diagnostic factors as well as future autologous cell replacement therapies. Despite the potential that reprogramming technologies bring, there are remaining concerns preventing their broad application in the short-term. One of them is the safety concern associated with the use of stem cell derivatives, those generated by reprogramming or even when embryonic stem cells are employed. Here we summarize the current knowledge in the field of stem cells and reprogramming with a particular focus on the pitfalls preventing rapid translation of stem cell technologies into the clinic. We discuss the most recent findings on immunogenicity and tumorigenicity of reprogrammed cells. We additionally provide an overview on the potential applications that reprogramming approaches might bring to the immunological field and elaborate on the use of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) with pre-arranged immune receptors for the development of future immunotherapeutic approaches. The use of reprogramming approaches can represent and provide groundbreaking strategies previously unachievable for stem cell engineering aimed at modulating immune responses. In summary, we provide an overview on the different topics related to the use of stem cells and highlight the most provocative, yet perhaps currently underappreciated, aspect of combining immunological and reprogramming strategies for the treatment of human disease. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.

Research field(s)
Health Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Immunology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

August 14, 2013

Upon activation by the ligands Gas6 and Protein S, Tyro3/Axl/Mer (TAM) receptor tyrosine kinases promote phagocytic clearance of apoptotic cells and downregulate immune responses initiated by Toll-like receptors and type I interferons (IFNs). Many enveloped viruses display the phospholipid phosphatidylserine on their membranes, through which they bind Gas6 and Protein S and engage TAM receptors. We find that ligand-coated viruses activate TAM receptors on dendritic cells (DCs), dampen type I IFN signaling, and thereby evade host immunity and promote infection. Upon virus challenge, TAM-deficient DCs display type I IFN responses that are elevated in comparison to wild-type cells. As a consequence, TAM-deficient DCs are relatively resistant to infection by flaviviruses and pseudotyped retroviruses, but infection can be restored with neutralizing type I IFN antibodies. Correspondingly, a TAM kinase inhibitor antagonizes the infection of wild-type DCs. Thus, TAM receptors are engaged by viruses in order to attenuate type I IFN signaling and represent potential therapeutic targets. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.

Research field(s)
Health Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Immunology