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Publications in Quantum by NOMIS researchers

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

March 1, 2025

High kinetic inductance superconductors are gaining increasing interest for the realisation of qubits, amplifiers and detectors. Moreover, thanks to their high impedance, quantum buses made of such materials enable large zero-point fluctuations of the voltage, boosting the coupling rates to spin and charge qubits. However, fully exploiting the potential of disordered or granular superconductors is challenging, as their inductance and, therefore, impedance at high values are difficult to control. Here, we report a reproducible fabrication of granular aluminium resonators by developing a wireless ohmmeter, which allows in situ measurements during film deposition and, therefore, control of the kinetic inductance of granular aluminium films. Reproducible fabrication of circuits with impedances (inductances) exceeding 13 kΩ (1 nH per square) is now possible. By integrating a 7.9 kΩ resonator with a germanium double quantum dot, we demonstrate strong charge-photon coupling with a rate of gc/2π = 566 ± 2 MHz. This broadly applicable method opens the path for novel qubits and high-fidelity, long-distance two-qubit gates.

Research field(s)
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Quantum

NOMIS Researcher(s)

February 11, 2025

Recent advancements in superconducting circuits have enabled the experimental study of collective behavior of precisely controlled intermediate-scale ensembles of qubits. In this work, we demonstrate an atomic frequency comb formed by individual artificial atoms strongly coupled to a single resonator mode. We observe periodic microwave pulses that originate from a single coherent excitation dynamically interacting with the multiqubit ensemble. We show that this revival dynamics emerges as a consequence of the constructive and periodic rephasing of the five superconducting qubits forming the vacuum Rabi split comb. In the future, similar devices could be used as a memory with in situ tunable storage time or as an on-chip periodic pulse generator with nonclassical photon statistics.

Research field(s)

Published in

July 30, 2024

Gate-tunable transmons (gatemons) employing semiconductor Josephson junctions have recently emerged as building blocks for hybrid quantum circuits. In this study, we present a gatemon fabricated in planar Germanium. We induce superconductivity in a two-dimensional hole gas by evaporating aluminum atop a thin spacer, which separates the superconductor from the Ge quantum well. The Josephson junction is then integrated into an Xmon circuit and capacitively coupled to a transmission line resonator. We showcase the qubit tunability in a broad frequency range with resonator and two-tone spectroscopy. Time-domain characterizations reveal energy relaxation and coherence times up to 75 ns. Our results, combined with the recent advances in the spin qubit field, pave the way towards novel hybrid and protected qubits in a group IV, CMOS-compatible material.

Research field(s)
Josephson Junctions, Qubits

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

May 1, 2024

Two-dimensional semiconductor-superconductor heterostructures form the foundation of numerous nanoscale physical systems. However, measuring the properties of such heterostructures, and characterizing the semiconductor in-situ is challenging. A recent experimental study by [Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 107701 (2022)] was able to probe the semiconductor within the heterostructure using microwave measurements of the superfluid density. This work revealed a rapid depletion of superfluid density in semiconductor, caused by the in-plane magnetic field which in presence of spin-orbit coupling creates so-called Bogoliubov Fermi surfaces. The experimental work used a simplified theoretical model that neglected the presence of non-magnetic disorder in the semiconductor, hence describing the data only qualitatively. Motivated by experiments, we introduce a theoretical model describing a disordered semiconductor with strong spin-orbit coupling that is proximitized by a superconductor. Our model provides specific predictions for the density of states and superfluid density. Presence of disorder leads to the emergence of a gapless superconducting phase, that may be viewed as a manifestation of Bogoliubov Fermi surface. When applied to real experimental data, our model showcases excellent quantitative agreement, enabling the extraction of material parameters such as mean free path and mobility, and estimating g-tensor after taking into account the orbital contribution of magnetic field. Our model can be used to probe in-situ parameters of other superconductor-semiconductor heterostructures and can be further extended to give access to transport properties.

Research field(s)

NOMIS Researcher(s)

October 20, 2023

State-of-the-art transmon qubits rely on large capacitors, which systematically improve their coherence due to reduced surface-loss participation. However, this approach increases both the footprint and the parasitic cross-coupling and is ultimately limited by radiation losses – a potential roadblock for scaling up quantum processors to millions of qubits. In this work we present transmon qubits with sizes as low as 36×39μm2 with ≳100-nm-wide vacuum-gap capacitors that are micromachined from commercial silicon-on-insulator wafers and shadow evaporated with aluminum. We achieve a vacuum participation ratio up to 99.6% in an in-plane design that is compatible with standard coplanar circuits. Qubit relaxation-time measurements for small gaps with high zero-point electric field variance of up to 22 V/m reveal a double exponential decay indicating comparably strong qubit interaction with long-lived two-level systems. The exceptionally high selectivity of up to 20 dB to the superconductor-vacuum interface allows us to precisely back out the sub-single-photon dielectric loss tangent of aluminum oxide previously exposed to ambient conditions. In terms of future scaling potential, we achieve a ratio of qubit quality factor to a footprint area equal to 20μm-2, which is comparable with the highest T1 devices relying on larger geometries, a value that could improve substantially for lower surface-loss superconductors. © 2023 American Physical Society.

Research field(s)
Natural Sciences, Quantum, Josephson Junctions, Microwave, Qubits