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Publications in Quantum Computers by NOMIS researchers

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

August 10, 2023

Arrays of Josephson junctions are governed by a competition between superconductivity and repulsive Coulomb interactions, and are expected to exhibit diverging low-temperature resistance when interactions exceed a critical level. Here we report a study of the transport and microwave response of Josephson arrays with interactions exceeding this level. Contrary to expectations, we observe that the array resistance drops dramatically as the temperature is decreased—reminiscent of superconducting behaviour—and then saturates at low temperature. Applying a magnetic field, we eventually observe a transition to a highly resistive regime. These observations can be understood within a theoretical picture that accounts for the effect of thermal fluctuations on the insulating phase. On the basis of the agreement between experiment and theory, we suggest that apparent superconductivity in our Josephson arrays arises from melting the zero-temperature insulator. © 2023, The Author(s).

Research field(s)
Natural Sciences