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Publications in Microorganisms by NOMIS researchers

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

November 15, 2024

Microbial communities are shaped by cell-cell interactions. Although archaea are often found in associations with other microorganisms, the mechanisms structuring these communities are poorly understood. Here, we report on the structure and function of haloarchaeal contractile injection systems (CISs). Using a combination of functional assays and time-lapse imaging, we show that Halogeometricum borinquense exhibits antagonism toward Haloferax volcanii by inducing cell lysis and inhibiting proliferation. This antagonism is contact-dependent and requires a functional CIS, which is encoded by a gene cluster that is associated with toxin-immunity pairs. Cryo–focused ion beam milling and imaging by cryo–electron tomography revealed that these CISs are bound to the cytoplasmic membrane, resembling the bacterial type six secretion systems (T6SSs). We show that related T6SS gene clusters are conserved and expressed in other haloarchaeal strains, which exhibit antagonistic behavior. Our data provide a mechanistic framework for understanding how archaea may shape microbial communities and affect the food webs they inhabit.

Research field(s)

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

October 18, 2024

Ixotrophy is a contact-dependent predatory strategy of filamentous bacteria in aquatic environments for which the molecular mechanism remains unknown. We show that predator-prey contact can be established by gliding motility or extracellular assemblages we call “grappling hooks.” Cryo–electron microscopy identified the grappling hooks as heptamers of a type IX secretion system substrate. After close predator-prey contact is established, cryo–electron tomography and functional assays showed that puncturing by a type VI secretion system mediated killing. Single-cell analyses with stable isotope–labeled prey revealed that prey components are taken up by the attacker. Depending on nutrient availability, insertion sequence elements toggle the activity of ixotrophy. A marine metagenomic time series shows coupled dynamics of ixotrophic bacteria and prey. We found that the mechanism of ixotrophy involves multiple cellular machineries, is conserved, and may shape microbial populations in the environment.

Research field(s)
Microbiology, Microbiology

NOMIS Researcher(s)

Published in

March 1, 2024

Most cryospheric ecosystems are energy limited. How their energetics will respond to climate change remains largely unknown. This is particularly true for glacier-fed streams, which interface with the cryosphere and initiate some of Earth’s largest river systems. Here, by studying resource stoichiometry and microbial energetics in 154 glacier-fed streams sampled by the Vanishing Glaciers project across Earth’s major mountain ranges, we show that these ecosystems and their benthic microbiome are overall carbon and phosphorus limited. Threshold elemental ratios and low carbon use efficiencies (median: 0.15) modelled from extracellular enzymatic activities corroborate resource limitation in agreement with maintenance metabolism of benthic microorganisms. Space-for-time substitution analyses suggest that glacier shrinkage will stimulate benthic primary production in glacier-fed streams, thereby relieving microbial metabolism from carbon limitation. Concomitantly, we find that increasing streamwater temperature will probably stimulate microbial growth (temperature sensitivity: 0.62 eV). Consequently, elevated microbial demands for phosphorus, but diminishing inputs from subglacial sources, may intensify phosphorus limitation as glaciers shrink. Our study thus unveils a ‘green transition’ towards autotrophy in the world’s glacier-fed streams, entailing shifts in the energetics of their microorganisms.

Research field(s)
Ecology, Environmental Sciences