Sparse, single-cell labeling approaches enable high-resolution, high signal-to-noise recordings from subcellular compartments and intracellular organelles and allow precise manipulations of individual cells and local circuits while minimizing complex changes associated with global network manipulations. However, thus far, only a limited number of approaches have been developed to label single cells with unique combinations of genetically encoded indicators, target deep cortical structures or sustainably use the same chronic preparation for weeks. Here we developed a method to deliver plasmids selectively to single pyramidal neurons in the mouse dorsal hippocampus using two-photon visually guided in vivo single-cell electroporation to address these limitations. This method allows long-term plasmid expression in a controlled number of individual pyramidal neurons, facilitating subcellular resolution imaging, intracellular organelle tracking, monosynaptic input mapping, plasticity induction and targeted whole-cell patch-clamp recordings.