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Publications in Qualitative Research by NOMIS researchers

NOMIS Researcher(s)

January 1, 2021

A transdisciplinary project examining agroecological management alternatives in Malawi utilized mixed methods to learn from and about farmer knowledge of biodiversity. Wild biodiversity was assessed on 96 farms within a study area of 16 villages. Forty-two farmers from the 96 farms were involved in the photovoice sub-study discussed here. They received camera training then took photographs of plants and animals that were meaningful to them; subsequently 42 interviews were conducted with farmers to discuss the photos and elicit greater understanding of their perceptions about insects and pest management. Workshops were then utilized to discuss findings, facilitate horizontal knowledge exchange among project stakeholders, and encourage farmers to co-design experiments testing ecological management strategies. The photographs were used in the workshops to expand knowledge about pests and natural enemies. Combining photovoice interviews with workshops and field visits supported a process of co-constructing agroecological knowledge.

Research field(s)
Applied Sciences, Agriculture, Agronomy & Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry, Agronomy & Agriculture