Research is the vital expression of humankind’s most important qualities: curiosity and imagination.

Explorers, inventors, pioneers—dedicated researchers on the frontiers of science and the humanities.

Insight, when it comes, changes everything.

NOMIS & Science Young Explorers

Research is the vital expression of humankind’s most important qualities—curiosity and imagination—and is the basis for all knowledge and discovery. To answer fundamental research questions, enable discoveries, and advance human progress, we must engage innovative, unconventional approaches. But employing unconventional approaches in science is risky at best, even more so for early-career researchers. Research conducted by a postdoctoral student often determines the trajectory of their academic career; the opportunity to pursue high-risk questions at this stage is rare, and failures can quickly stifle career prospects. It is therefore imperative that promising young researchers receive support at this crucial phase.

To extend this critical support to early-career scientists, the NOMIS Foundation and Science/AAAS established a partnership in the form of the NOMIS & Science Young Explorer Award. Recognizing bold early-career researchers who ask fundamental questions at the intersection of the social and life sciences, the NOMIS & Science Award is granted to scientists who conduct research with an enthusiasm that catalyzes cross-disciplinary collaboration and who take risks to creatively address relevant and exciting questions.
More details, including eligibility and application procedures, can be found at

Postdoctoral research fellow

Assistant professor

Research assistant professor

Assistant professor

Postdoctoral research fellow

Assistant professor of medicine

Assistant professor

Postdoctoral researcher

Postdoctoral fellow

Assistant professor

Research fellow