The NOMIS Foundation is delighted to announce the recipients of the 2023 NOMIS Distinguished Scientist and Scholar Award—congratulations to David Autor, an economist at MIT, and Anne Brunet, a cell biologist at Stanford University.
In recognition of their outstanding contributions to the advancement of science and human progress through their pioneering and collaborative research, the NOMIS Award is enabling Autor and Brunet to continue exploring uncharted and unconventional research paths.
2023 NOMIS Awardee David Autor

David Autor is Ford Professor of Economics and a Margaret MacVicar Faculty Fellow at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Cambridge, US). The NOMIS Award is enabling him to investigate the relationship between technology and the labor market and to explore the erosion of demand for expert, specialized work, particularly among middle-skill workers.
Through his NOMIS-supported project, Will New Technologies Complement or Commodify Expertise?, Autor will assess whether and how new technological advances such as artificial intelligence (AI) may complement human expertise, thereby making labor more valuable, or whether instead these advances will commodify expertise, thus reducing the value of the work without necessarily eroding the number of jobs. Building from the insight that labor’s value derives from the scarcity of expertise, Autor’s research will assess, quantify and test how AI and other technologies are reshaping the value of expertise, and consider innovations that could enhance AI’s potential to complement rather than supplant expertise.
2023 NOMIS Awardee Anne Brunet

Anne Brunet is the Michele and Timothy Barakett Professor of Genetics at Stanford Medicine and codirector of the Paul F. Glenn Center for the Biology of Aging at Stanford University (US). The NOMIS Award is enabling her to explore the genetic and molecular mechanisms that regulate aging and age-related diseases, with the ultimate goal of developing interventions that could delay or prevent these conditions.
Through her NOMIS-supported project, Organ Synchronization in Aging and Suspended Animation, Brunet will leverage a scalable African killifish platform to pioneer transformative technologies for interrogating different tissues during aging; generate massive datasets reporting age-dependent changes as well as the molecular phenotype of every cell in response to longevity interventions; and provide an understanding of what regulates the synchronicity of aging.
NOMIS Distinguished Scientist and Scholar Award
Established in 2016, the NOMIS Distinguished Scientist and Scholar Award is presented to pioneering scientists and scholars who, through their innovative, groundbreaking research, have made a significant contribution to their respective fields and who inspire the world around them. Their bold ideas and unique approaches involve interdisciplinary collaboration and apply a broad range of methods, building bridges across the boundaries of disciplines.
The 2023 NOMIS Award will be presented to the recipients at a ceremony in Zurich, Switzerland, in October.