NOMIS scientist Johannes Fink has received the Fritz Kohlrausch Award of the Austrian Physical Society (Fritz Kohlrausch Preis der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, ÖPG). APA-Science reported on the award in the article “Johannes Fink vom IST Austria mit Fritz Kohlrausch Preis geehrt” (in English, “Johannes Fink from IST Austria honored with Fritz Kohlrausch Award”). The prize was established in 1955 and is awarded every two years to honor outstanding achievements in experimental physics. In his award-winning work, Fink and his research team succeeded in developing an important electrical component — a circulator — that is about 100 times smaller than what was previously possible. This breakthrough could help in the future to realize quantum computers with a large number of quantum bits.
Fink is co-leader of the Hybrid Semiconductor — Superconductor Quantum Devices project at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST).