Two new postdoctoral researchers for the NOMIS-supported PEGASuS 2: Ocean Sustainability project have been profiled in a Future Earth blog post. PEGASuS 2 builds on the Future Earth Program for Early-phase Grants Advancing Sustainability Science (PEGASuS), which aims to develop effective research communities around three major themes:
- Integration of water, energy and food management
- Prediction of and adaption to rapid changes in ecosystems
- Sustainable management of ocean resources
Meet the new postdoctoral researchers for PEGASuS 2: Ocean Sustainability
The two winning projects for PEGASuS 2: Ocean Sustainability are joined by two postdoctoral researchers: Dr. Erin Satterthwaite and Dr. Alfredo Giron. They will work with the projects under Future Earth at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis at the University of California, Santa Barbara. They will also participate in the Ocean Knowledge-Action Network and complete their own independent projects over the next 18 months.

To learn more about the two PEGASuS 2: Ocean Sustainability projects — “Defining the observing system for the world’s oceans – from microbes to whales,” and “Managing Ocean Change and Food Security: Implementing Palau’s National Marine Sanctuary” — more details are available here. And read more about Managing Ocean Change & Food Security in Palau and Keeping an eye on the world’s oceans: designing the a global ocean observing system to monitor marine life also on our blog.
Giron and Satterthwaite will soon be traveling to Copenhagen in May 2019 to attend the first Global Planning Meeting in preparation for the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, ahead of its launch in 2021, along with members of the Future Earth Ocean Knowledge-Action Network and many other thought-leaders and key stakeholders.
Giron received his doctorate in biological oceanography from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, where he developed new methods to inform fisheries management, with focus on the Gulf of California, Mexico. In 2014, along with members of the Gulf of California Marine Program, he created dataMares, a science communication and data sharing platform. Today, dataMares is one of the leading outlets in Mexico for socio-environmental science communication. You can watch a video about some of his recent work here.
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