is our passion

NOMIS Awards

The NOMIS Foundation supports pioneering researchers who use radically different approaches, apply new expertise or engage novel perspectives to answer life’s most fundamental questions. Beyond their scientific excellence these researchers show intrinsic motivation and the ability to inspire and collaborate with others not only within but also outside their own fields of expertise.

To honor pioneering scientists and scholars who, through their innovative, groundbreaking research, have made a significant contribution to their respective fields and who inspire the world around them, NOMIS has thus established the NOMIS Distinguished Scientist and Scholar Award.

In addition, NOMIS and Science/AAAS have developed the NOMIS & Science Young Explorer Award, which recognizes bold early-career researchers who ask fundamental questions at the intersection of the social and life sciences.

Research is the vital expression of humankind’s most important qualities: curiosity and imagination.

Explorers, inventors, pioneers—dedicated researchers on the frontiers of science and the humanities.

Insight, when it comes, changes everything.